
Aplication which allows to access Smallworld data as JSON via HTTP

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This is a simple application which shows how data from Smallworld can be accessed via HTTP in JSON format. Goworld is composed of set of concurrent workers and one HTTP server. Worker communicates with Smallworld session via ACP protocol. HTTP server and workers communicates via RPC protocol. HTTP server publish data from workers as JSON.



Configuration file

Config file is a simple JSON file.

    "server": {
        "port": Number,
    "workers": [
            "port": Number,
            "host": String,
            "name": String


server - HTTP server configuration

server.port - HTTP server port number

server.protocols - list of protocols definitions. See Protocols

workers - list of workers definitions

worker.port - port number to communicate with HTTP server

worker.host - name of the host where worker is started

worker.name - unique name of the worker. This name will be also used as a Magik ACP process name

List protocol

This is predefined protocol described in quick start. To disable this protocol set false in enabled attribute, or remove whole JSON object from configuration file.

      "name": "list",
      "enabled": bool

Custom protocol

To define custom protocol you need to configure definition in configuration file. Configuration:

  "name": string,
  "enabled": bool,
  "params": [
      "name": string,
      "type": string
  "results": [
      "name": string,
      "type": string

Definiton of custom protocol contains:

Supported types:


Binaries download

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Build from sources


Install Go SDK (or extract zip archive) and setup GOPATH

Go download



go get github.com/kpawlik/goworld


go to GOPATH/github.com/kpawlik/goworld/goworldc run:

go build main.go -o c:\tmp\goworld.exe

Start HTTP Server and Worker

Start HTTP Server

To start HTTP sever:

  1. Create configuration file with Server.port, at least list protocol enbled and at least one worker definition.
  2. Open command line terminal and type:

    goworld.exe -t http -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

    HTTP server will start on defined port number, running workers from definition will be connected. Of you will start worker after you start HTTP server it will be also connected.

Start Worker

  1. To start worker you can use Magik procedure start_goworld_worker from file goworld.magik

    start_goworld_worker([NAME], [PATH TO goworld.exe], [PATH TO CONFIG FILE], [PATH TO LOG FILE])

    NAME - uniqe worker name. Need to be the same as in configuration file

    PATH TO goworld.exe - path to goworld executable file

    PATH TO CONFIG FILE - path to JSON configuration file

    PATH TO LOG FILE - path where to store log file for this worker

  2. This procedure will start ACP process. In background it will call:

    goworld.exe -n [NAME] -t worker -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE] -l [PATH TO LOG FILE]


Quick start

This example is for Windows, but this works the same way for Linux. This quick start example shows how to run goworld with example list protocol, which just lists fields from Smallworld objects.

Define custom protocol

  1. Create config file same as is described in quick start. Add new protocol definition with name find_hotel

    "protocols": [
            "name": "find_hotel",
            "enabled": true,
            "params": [
                    "name": "name",
                    "type": "chars"
            "results": [
                    "name": "address_1",
                    "type": "chars"
                    "name": "address_2",
                    "type": "chars"
                    "name": "x",
                    "type": "float"
                    "name": "y",
                    "type": "float"
  2. Create new Magik method in class goworld, this method will handle new protocol

    _method goworld.find_hotel_protocol()
        !print_float_precision! << 12
        # This will get name from "params"
        _local name << _self.get_chars()
        #send status
        _local ds << gis_program_manager.databases[:gis]
        _local coll << ds.collections[:hotel]
        _local select << coll.select(predicate.eq(:name, name))
        # send no of recs
        # send results fields in the same order as in config file 
        _for rec _over select.fast_elements()
  3. Register method with protocol name. Name must be the same as protocol name in config file:

    goworld.register_protocol("find_hotel", :|find_hotel_protocol()|)
  4. Start goworld worker:

    start_goworld_worker("w1", "c:\tmp\goworld.exe", "c:\tmp\goworld.json", "c:\tmp\w1.log")
  5. Start HTTP server

    c:\tmp\goworld.exe -t http -c c:\tmp\goworld.json
  6. In browser type:



Protocol describes how to Magik ACP and goworld worker communicate.

List protocol

List protocol starts with list prefix eg.


Request structure: http://[HOST]:[PORT]/list/[DATASET]/[COLLECTION]/[LIMIT, 0 = ALL]/[LIST OF FIELDS SEPARATED BY "/"]`

Protocol returns a list of JSON objects, each JSON object contain LIST OF FIELDS and VALUES from COLLECTION. Number of objects is limited by LIMIT or size of COLLECTION. If DATASET or COLLECTION does not exists, error message will be returned. If field with requested name does not exists, then error will be returned as a field value.


  1. goworld send to Magik ACP a vector of chars, this is a part of HTTP address which occurs after protocol name. http://localhost:4000/list/gis/hotel/100/id/name/address1/address2 it will be gis/hotel/100/id/name/address1/address2. Magik code:

    _local path << _self.get_chars()
  2. Magik ACP send to goworld status code as unsigned byte

    • 0 means no error
    • > 0 means error (no such dataset, no access etc.). In this case as a next Magik ACP needs to send string with error message
    _self.chars(write_string("No such dataset with name", dataset_name))
  3. Magik ACP send to goworld number of record which will be send as unsigned int

  4. Magik ACP send to goworld number of fields which will be send as unsigned int

  5. in the loop magik ACP sends field names and field values


Custom protocol

To define custom prototcol you need to:

  1. Define protocol in config file.
    1. Protocol name
    2. Enabled flag
    3. List of entry parameters
    4. List of result fields
  2. Create magik method which will handle protocol on Smallworld side. This method need to:
    1. Receive all parameters defined in config file
    2. Send sucess code, or error code and error message
    3. Send number of records to send
    4. In loop, send fields which are defined in config file
  3. Register magik method with protocol name

See example in tutotrial.


To stop just open system Task Manager and kill all goworld processes.